Holden VIN Vehicle Identification |
EJ to EH Holden VIN Plate
- Body:
- Model
- The first two letters will state simply whether the vehicle is an 'EJ' or 'EH'.
- Chassis Type
- 215 - Standard Sedan
- 219 - Standard Station Sedan
- 225 - Special Sedan
- 229 - Special Station Sedan
- 235 Premier Sedan
- 239 Premier Station Sedan
- 2104 Panel Van
- 2106 Coupe-Utility
- Transmission Type
- The 'M' or 'A' that followsthe Chassis Type indicates Manual or Automatic
- Chassis Number
- The chassis number starts after the dash, and is followed by a final letter
- A - Adelaide
- B - Brisbane (assembly only)
- M - Melbourne
- S - Sydney
- P - Perth (assembly only)
- NZ - New Zealand (assembly only)
- Trim:
- The Trim code is in two parts and the first part which is 3 or four digits indicates the paint scheme used. The second part starting with 'B' or 'C' followed by two digits indicates the interior trim itself. Refer to the Interior Trim Code Identification Page for more details.
HK to HQ Holden VIN Plate
The VIN plate is located on the upper horizontal surface of the firewall in the engine bay. The VIN consists of 13 characters (letters and numbers), as per the example below. All HK Holdens are fitted with two identification plates, and have a chassis number stamped onto the firewall centre above the transmission hump. All HK series Monaros have the thin VIN plate fitted on the under bonnet cowl section in front of the passenger. Early HK Monaros had the larger "Body Plate" fitted to the firewall, directly above the chassis number.
The remainder had the body plate located on the under bonnet cowl in front of the driver. All HK Holdens had a chassis number beginning with HK, followed by 5 numerals, and ending with letter(s) indicating the plant it was assembled in - SS (Sydney), BB (Brisbane), A (Adelaide) and M (Melbourne). For example HK23114SS. For Sydney and Brisbane cars, the second S or B is stamped below the first one and normally in a different stamp with a shallower impression.
Section #1 |
Section #2 |
Section #3 |
Section #4 |
Section #5 |
8- |
0737- |
G- |
H5- |
14329 |
Holden |
Monaro GTS |
HK |
Built in Pagewood, Sydney |
build #14329 |
- There are 5 sections that make up the VIN number;
- Section 1 First digit Vehicle Manufacturer
- Section 2 Second to Fifth Digits Series Designation
- Section 3 Sixth Digit Model Series
- Section 4 Seventh and Eighth digits Assembly Plant
- Section 5 Ninth to Thirteenth digit Vehicle Sequence Number
Section #1 Vehicle Manufacturer
Section #2 Series Designation
- 0269 = Belmont Sedan V* (HQ SS)
- 0337 = Monaro (HK)*
- 0337 = Monaro L6 (HT/G/Q)
- 0437 = Monaro V8 (HT/G/Q)
- 0737 = Monaro GTS (HK)*
- 0737 = Monaro GTS L6 (HT/G/Q)
- 0837 = Monaro GTS V8 (HT/G/Q)
- 1137 = Monaro LS L6 (HQ)
- 1237 = Monaro LS V8 (HQ)
- 1837 = Monaro GTS 327 (HK)
- 1837 = Monaro GTS 350 (HT/G/Q)
- * Note the VIN system did not differentiate between L6 and V8 engines in the HK series. Eg A 0737 designation HK series Monaro could have been fitted with either the 186S six cylinder or the 307 Chevrolet engine.
Section #3 Model Series
- K = HK
- T = HT
- G = HG
- Q = HQ
Section #4 Assembly Plant
- H1, H2 = Acacia Ridge, Brisbane
- H5, H6, H7 = Pagewood, Sydney
- J1, J2, J3 = Dandenong, Melbourne
- L1, L2 = Elizabeth Adelaide
- L6 = Mosman Park, Perth
Section #5 Vehicle Sequence Number
- The number relates directy to the vehicle sequence number for a particulat plant. When a numbe reaches 99999, the assembly plant identification code (section four) was raised by one number eg H5 chanes to H6 and the vehicle sequence number returns to zero.
HQ Holden from July 1971 to September 1972 VIN Plate
The VIN plate is located on the upper horizontal surface of the firewall in the engine bay.
SAMPLE HQ HOLDEN July 1971 to September 1972 VIN PLATE |
Section #1 |
Section #2 |
Section #3 |
Section #4 |
Section #5 |
Section #6 |
8- |
03- |
37- |
Q- |
H7- |
08182 |
Holden |
6 Cylinder |
Monaro Coupe |
HQ |
Built in Pagewood, Sydney |
build #8182 |
Section #1: GM Divison
Section #2: Luxury & Engine Size
- 01: 6 cylinder Belmont
- 02: 8 cylinder Belmont & SS Sedan
- 03: 6 cylinder Kingswood & Monaro
- 04: 8 cylinder Kingswood & Monaro
- 08: 8 cylinder GTS
- 11: 6 cylinder Premier & LS Monaro
- 12: 8 cylinder Premier & LS Monaro
- 14: 8 cylinder Statesman De Ville
- 15: 6 cylinder Statesman
- 16: 8 cylinder Statesman
- 18: 350 GTS
- ** 04 were also used for early HQ GTS/4 optioned cars (GTS sedan)
Section #3: Body Code
- 69: Sedan
- 37: Coupe
- 35: Wagon
- 70: Panel Van
- 80: Utility.
Section #4: Series Code
Section #5: Assembly Plant
- H1, H2 = Acacia Ridge, Brisbane
- H5, H6, H7 = Pagewood, Sydney
- J1, J2, J3 = Dandenong, Melbourne
- L1, L2 = Elizabeth Adelaide
- L6 = Mosman Park, Perth
Section #6: Serial Number
- This is the number of the car off the production line at it's identified plant - the number relates directy to the vehicle sequence number for a particulat plant. When a number reaches 99999, the assembly plant identification code (section #4) was raised by one number eg H5 chanes to H6 and the vehicle sequence number returned to zero.
- Trim codes are the best way to ID optioned Belmont through to HQ Monaro GTS/4.
HQ Holden from September 1972 VIN Plate
The VIN plate for post September 1972 to WB Model Holdens is located on the upper horizontal surface of the firewall in the engine bay.
Section #1 |
Section #2 |
Section #3 |
Section #4 |
Section #5 |
Section #6 |
Section #7 |
Section #8 |
8- |
Q- |
69- |
T- |
F- |
L3 |
55765- |
X |
Holden |
Monaro |
Sedan |
308 |
1976 |
Melbourne build |
55765 |
HX Series |
Section #1: GM Divison
Section #2: Luxury Code
- (on some plants the "w" was left off the plate)
- WM: Belmont
- WN: Kingswood
- WP: Premier and LS Monaro
- WS: Statesman Deville
- WT:Statesman Caprice
- WQ: Monaro
Section #3: Body Code
- 69: Sedan
- 60: Cab Chassis
- 37: Coupe
- 70: Panel Van
- 35: Wagon, 80: Utility
Section #4: Engine Code
- E: 173 Low Compression
- D: 173 High Compression
- M: 202 Low Compression
- L: 202 High Compression
- S: 253 Low Compression
- R: 253 High Compression
- T: 308 High Compression
Section #5: Model Year
Section #6: Assembly Plant
- H1 thru to H4: Brisbane
- H5 thru to H9 Sydney
- J1 to J9: Melbourne
- L1 thru to L5: Adelaide
Section #7: Serial Number
- This is the number of the car off the production line at it's identified plant.
Section #8: Series Code
- Q: HQ7/71
- J: HJ 10/74
- X:HX 7/76
- Z:HZ 10/77
- B:WB 4/80
The Body Identification Plate has five significant lines.
Body / Model (Combination of Letters and Numbers identifying the Body Model and Style)
- First 2 characters - is the series of the vehicle.
- 8 - signifies Holden Australia.
- The first 2 numerals identify the Body Style.
- 01= Belmont 6 cyl
- 02= Belmont V8 either 253 or 308
- 03= Monaro/Kingswood 6 cyl
- 04= Monaro/Kingswood V8 either 253 or 308
- 07= Monaro GTS 6 cyl
- 08= Monaro GTS V8 either 253 or 308
- 11= Premier 6 cyl
- 12= Premier V8
- 14= Brougham V8
- 18= Monaro GTS 327 (HT) or 350 (HK-HG)
- 35= Wagon
- 37= Coupe body
- 69= Sedan
- 70= Panelvan
- 80= Utility
- The next number identifies Commercial or Paggenger Vehicle
- M - defines this as a commercial vehicle
- N for Kingswood
- This is the unique number of the body assigned from the body assembly plant.
- X
- Assembly Plant Suffix
- A = Adelaide
- B = Brisbane
- M = Melbourne
- S = Sydney
- NZ = New Zealand
- XXXX XX X - Interior Paint colour and Trim combinations. See trim codes for a detailed reference.
- This line would only be populated where a Regular Production Option (RPO) had been optioned - ie, it had to be a non-standard item
- Eng - Engine type
- Trans - Transmission type
- R
- Exterior Paint, Upper Body section or Roof Colour.
Holden Identification
Holden Six Cylinder Engine:
Holden V8:
Holden Technical Specifications:
Torana Technical Specifications:
Commodore Technical Specifications:
Also see:
1940s |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
2000s |
1940 |
1950 |
1990 |
2000 |
1941 |
1951 |
1991 |
2001 |
1942 |
1952 |
1982 |
1992 |
2002 |
1943 |
1953 |
1983 |
2003 |
1944 |
1954 |
1984 |
2004 |
1945 |
1985 |
2005 |
1946 |
1986 |
1996 |
2006 |
1947 |
1967 |
1977 |
2007 |
1948 |
1988 |
2008 |
1949 |
1979 |
1989 |
2009 |
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