What does Magic-Mirror mean to you?
Magic-Mirror Acrylic Lacquer is far superior to other automotive finishes. It keeps its lustre far longer, needs little polishing. It resists fading, allows pastel shades not practical in other paints. It is harder and resists chipping and cracking. And it keeps your car new-looking longer, protects resale value.
Here is the process behind the chip-free, gloss retaining Magic-Mirror Acrylic Lacquer finish: Every Holden body is degreased and given a hot phosphate treatment to form a rust-resistant body surface. This is followed by a primer bath for complete underbody sealing and additional rust resistance. The bodies are then given two primer-surfacer coats and three colour coats of Magic-Mirror Acrylic Lacquer. All bodies are oven dried between these operations before they are finally rubbed down and polished. The film thickness of each coat is checked to ensure adequate coverate of all areas, and the final result provides a flint-hard, chip-free and lustrous finish which has proved superior in every respect to other forms of finish.