NAPA Martin Senour Paints
Acrylic Enamel Basecoat/Clearcoat System
Designed to repair O.E.M. basecoat/clearcoat finishes applied by the vehicle manufacturer. This system provides a finish that exhibits a beautiful wet gloss with improved durability. The development of the basecoat/clearcoat system is a significant breakthrough in Automotive Clearcoat Refinishing virtually eliminating the problems normally associated with a clear top coat finish.
Preparation: Wash the area to be refinished with detergent and water. Solvent clean with No. 6383 Kleanz-Easy. Dry sand with random orbit sander using 240 Lube-Kut Paper. Treat exposed steel with No. 6877 Triple Etch. Treat exposed aluminum with No. 6879 Twin Etch and No. 8829 Zincrom Primer. For spot surfacing use Martin-Senour Lacquer Primer Surfacers Nos. 3252, 3253, 3257 or 3258. For complete surfacing use No. 8094 Synthol Enamel Primer Surfacer. Seal with Quik-Seal non-sanding primer sealer Nos. 8097, 8098 or 8099 reduced 100% with No. 8004 Symmetro Flow Reducer. Allow to dry a minimum of 30 minutes before recoating.
Basecoat Application: Reduce the Acrylic Enamel Basecoat 75% with no. 8831, 8832 or 8834 Acrylic Enamel Reducer. Add No. 8850 Catyl-Ad to the reduced basecoat in the proportion of 4 oz. of No. 8850 to one quart of unreduced basecoat. The sprayable pot life, at 75�F. is six hours. Apply two to three light coats at 50-60 p.s.i. at the gun, allowing a minimum of 20 minutes flash time between coats. (This is less than the film thickness required for regular Acrylic Enamel). Apply only enough basecoat to achieve hiding and color uniformity. The basecoat does not need to be glossy. Maximum film thickness of basecoat is 2 mils. Drying time before clear is two (2) hours above 70�F., and sixteen (16) hours below 70�F.
Clearcoat Application: No. 8852 Clear is supplied ready to spray. Add No. 8850 Catyl-Ad in the proportion of 2 oz. of No. 8850 to 1 quart of No. 8852 Clear. If more flow is desired in the Clear, reduce the mixture up to 25% with No. 8831 or 8832 Acrylic Enamel Reducer. Apply two medium wet cross coats at 45 to 55 p.s.i., allowing a minimum of 15 minutes flash time between coats. Do not add excessive amounts of Clear. Allow to dry overnight at temperatures no cooler than 65�F. The maximum film thickness of Clearcoat that may be safely applied is 1.5 mils.
Fisheyes: Do not use regular No. 77 or No. 77B Squirtz in Basecoat and Clearcoat. If Fisheye presents a problem, add 2 to 4 ounces of No. 87 Fisheye Eliminator to unreduced gallon of both Basecoat and Clearcoat.
Catyl-Ad #8850: Must be added to the Basecoat and Clearcoat or a film failure will occur.
Force Drying: The basecoat may be force dried for 15 minutes at 120 to 125�F., prior to applying the Clearcoat. Do not force dry after the Clearcoat has been applied.
It is important all products and procedures specified in this systemf must be followed. Any usage of the Basecoat/ Clearcoat system other than stated above or on the product label is at the customer's own risk.