Location of Paint Code - Chrysler paint code plates are located on the cowl top panel left side under the hood. Dodge paint code plates are located on the left front fender side shield or wheel housing. Imperial paint code plates are located on the upper left side of the firewall under the hood or on the left front body pillar post. Plymlouth pait code plates are in one of the following locations: right or left front fender side shields; right or left side of the cowl panel; left side of the radiator side panel member.
Two-Tone Combinations - The first paint code identifies the roof or accent color. The second paint code identifies the body color. For example, the combination of W1-83 on a Chrysler would indicate the roof or accent area is in Spinnaker White and the body is finished in Bahama Blue.
Lucite® - Acrylic Lacquer is recommended for SPOT REPAIR, panel repair and overall refinishing of all original automotive finishes.
Dulux® - Enamel may also be used for panel repair and overall refinishing.
Note - It may be necessary, at times, to tint colours to produce a satisfactory match due to normal weathering and changes in colour standards.